Brady has completed a record year on OSHA indicators for 2019. Our first Million Hour Award application has been submitted to North Carolina Department of Labor’s Awards Program. This award is applicable for companies who have over one million hours worked since the last lost workday case. Lost workday cases refer to cases that involve days away from work and/or days of restricted work activity beyond the date of injury or onset of illness. This record is continuing for Brady into 2020, and that is due to all of the associates who put their safety first each and every day, and take the time to learn the proper safety techniques and attend the proper classes.
In addition, Brady has applied for twenty Gold Awards, and one Silver Award for our commitment to workplace safety. These awards are part of the North Carolina Department of Labor’s Safety Awards Program recognizing firms throughout the state for achieving and maintaining good safety records.
The health and safety of our associates is always a first priority at Brady. Brady follows OSHA’s leading indicators, which play a vital role in preventing worker injuries, illness, and fatalities. These indicators also help to strengthen our corporate health and safety program.